Panem_Forever Wiki


PF 4thHG

4th Hunger Games arena

The arena for the 4th Hunger Games was set in a nail-biting tundra. The arena was a bitter cold and forced the tributes to focus on ensuring their own survival.


The cornucopia of the arena departed from its predecessor with a more traditional and central location in regards to the arena. However, the cornucopia was mostly filled with food, which forced tributes to survive off what they could scrape together from the land - or off their own kills.

As tributes had to fight off ice storms, bears, and wolves, they tended to focus more on self-preservation and their own survival rather than fighting one another, although there were a few exceptions to this.

Yaxal of District 5 would become the victor of the games.


Audiences viewing the games found them to be not exciting, thanks to the tributes' focus on their own survival rather than on combat.
